Self-Scanning vs. Automated Temperature Kiosk: 4 Things You Need to Consider

Self-Scanning vs. Automated Temperature Kiosk: 4 Things You Need to Consider

Temperature checking at the door has become a fairly standard practice for businesses and organizations. There are two common ways companies are going about it: manual temperature checking using a hand-held forehead scanner or automated checks like the RapidScreen temperature kiosk.

The question isn’t whether we should be doing temperature checks. Rather, it’s how safe and effective the process is. If you’re using manual methods or honor systems, you might want to rethink your strategy. Here are three reasons why:

Manual Scanning Can Be Costly

Businesses have revealed they’re paying anywhere from $35-$90 per hour to hire agencies to scan incoming customers for fever. Others are dedicating their own human resources for the job, which takes them away from their normal duties and impacts productivity. 

Manual Scanning Puts Others at Risk of Exposure

When you have people on the frontlines conducting scanning, you could be putting them and your customers at risk. 

One case study at a corrections agency details their experience with an outbreak. After disinfecting the facilities, testing individuals, and separating sick individuals within the facility, another outbreak occurred after resuming operations. The cause of the outbreak was in fact the person from the agency on the frontlines conducting the scans!

Removing as much personal contact as possible can result in a safer scanning process. 

manual temperature checkHonor Systems Spread Germs

Businesses that have implemented an “honor system” for customers to scan themselves using a manual device should reconsider — and quickly. This takes the pressure off paying someone manually scanning customers as they arrive, but customers’ hands will be touching the same device. Plus, some may continue moving forward even with a fever to avoid embarrassment or fulfill their own needs.

There’s no easy way to hold people accountable with this method, and it does nothing to promote health and safety.

Time Efficiency 

Being productive is important, this should also reflect in your daily COVID-19 related operations. Using manual labor and devices can cause further delay and increase time at check in points or entryways. Investing in a Temperature Kiosk will streamline your operations without additional delays. 

As an individual approaches the kiosk, the device will read the user’s temperature within 2 seconds, indicating if they have a fever or are not wearing their mask. Immediately after the results are shown, the kiosk is ready for the next user. Manual temperature checks can take a few minutes per individual, in comparison temperature kiosks can scan about 15 individuals per minute. 

How RapidScreen Temperature Kiosk Increases Safety

RapidScreen removes the guesswork of temperature scanning by providing a hands-free automated screening process. Businesses have a better way of holding people with positive readings accountable while keeping employees safe, too. Learn more about RapidScreen technology and how you can bring it to your facility.


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